Network faking support to Guatemalan president

The network used the hashtags #YoApoyoAGiammattei and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente trying to deceive Twitter users

Luis Assardo
Nov 14, 2021
Network with new accounts posting the same content.

Guatemalan government faced for many months a crisis due to the lack of vaccines. On July 4th two Trending Topics with HashTags supporting Guatemalan president were detected. #YoApoyoAGiammattei (I support Giammattei) and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente (I Support my president) were pushed by a network of new accounts.

Accounts who tweeted #YoApoyoAGiammattei and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente

The accounts were posting same content at the same time and creating interactions among them. It was a very basic not-efficient attempt to deceive conversations around the president. Here is a Google Sheet with a copy of those tweets: link

Most of the accounts were suspended after the report made to Twitter.

Here is the thread with the findings that day.



Luis Assardo
Luis Assardo

Written by Luis Assardo

Journalist • Researcher | Emergency Manager • Arson investigator • Safety & Security Consultant.

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