(Another) Network faking support to Guatemalan President

Luis Assardo
2 min readNov 14, 2021


This is a second attempt to deceive Twitter users with a network of accounts created to fake-support Alejandro Giammattei.

On September 20th the United States included Guatemalan Attorney General, Consuelo Porras, to a list of “undemocratic and corrupt” officials.

Hours later Alejandro Giammattei, Guatemalan president Tweeted to defend the attorney general.

It was strange to see that many interactions, so after a quick review it was obvious there were many accounts pushing the same content:

#GuatemalaEstaConPresidente #YoApoyoAlaFiscalGeneral “RESPETAMOS LAS INSTITUCIONALIDAD” #GuatemalaLibreSoberanaeIndependiente

And all of those accounts quoting the president and the official account of the Public Minister (the attorney general doesn´t have an account).

Google Sheet with the Tweets: link

Same as other cases this was reported to Twitter and many of the accounts in the network were suspended.

Here is the thread with the findings that day:



Luis Assardo
Luis Assardo

Written by Luis Assardo

Journalist • Researcher | Emergency Manager • Arson investigator • Safety & Security Consultant.

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